The Lord called me out as a Seer and Prophetess by Prophetess Susan Slusher and Apostle Gayle Sheehan both of Christian International.  Apostle George of Global school of ministry has mentored and spoke into my husband Jacob and I for many years.  We served at Oil of Joy in the Nursery and at Teen Challenge Milwaukee ministering love and freedom to the ladies. 

The Lord then confirmed by Prophet Charlie Shamp at Valley Harvest that we have A Supernatural Ministry and that we would be branching out.  Recently in 2021 Prophet Andre Bronkhorst prophesied over my family at Berean Family Worship Center: He was ministering to each of us personally and corporately he said ; that we are an amazing family and we ALL work for the LORD.  He also confirmed to me that I would be working with even more Angels than I had in times past ! A new Angel that I encountered in early 2021 brings much Joy to our meetings!   We take trips to go after the 1 lost sheep.  We believe in The full Bible and five fold Ephesians 4v11. We also are looking for the Blessed hope Titus 2v13, the Rapture of the church. Study to show yourself approved and truely you will see all the signs are here.  We are all to occupy until HE comes.  

I frequently minister in the marketplace, & hair salons under the power of GOD in deliverance as well as strong Word of Wisdom and Word of Knowledge.  We are Holy Spirit led as we support single moms, several private organizations that help victims of sex trafficking and we donate to widows in need. 

The key scriptures in this ministry are Matthew 6v33 Seek first the Kingdom of GOD and his Righteousness and then all these things will be added unto you.  Romans 1v11 For I long to see you so that I may impart unto you a spiritual gift so that you may be established.  3John 1v2 Beloved above all things I pray that you would prosper and be in good health even as your soul is prospering.  Psalm 91v11 For HE shall give his Angels charge over you to keep you in all of your ways.  Here is one more that really has been heavy on my heart Acts 1v11 which also said ye men of Galilee why ye stand ye gazing up into heaven, this same JESUS which is taken up from you into heaven, will also come in like manner as you have seen him go into heaven!! 

My favorite encounter however was when JESUS came and fed me a scroll about my personal destiny .... Ezekiel 3 Moreoever he said unto me son of man eat that thou findest eat this roll and go speak into the house of ISRAEL.  and then also Ezekiel 3v3 and he said unto me son of man cause thy belly to eat and fill thy bowels with this roll that I give thee and then did I eat it and it was in my mouth as honey for sweetness.  Our ministry has experienced many signs and wonders as well as doctor verified miracles.  My oils are all made by unction of the Holy Spirit. I use Biblical  oils and plant based organic oils. 

Father God has Graciously given me over 44 oil blends to help HIS people. *****Here is just one testimony and yes this man has also given his life to the LORD thank you JESUS~ In Sheboygan Wisconsin there is a man who has an odd skin condition, His doctor asked him to inspect my oil on her examining table; She concluded it is very finely made and she took him off of his medicine of prednisone!!  He has been using my oils for over 7 years now and his leg is much better than it was!! Thank you LORD JESUS 😊 

Thank you for your purchases, we very much appreciate it!

We are so thankful for the powerful Pastors and Prayer Warriors as well as our Beloved team of intercessors that LORD has divinely placed in our lives.Thank you for covering us in prayers! We over come by the Blood of Jesus Christ and the Word of our testimony.

May the LORD bless 🙌 you and keep you and cause HIS face to shine upon you and bring you peace. ✨️ 🙏

Love & Blessings Prophetess Denise Ann Open Heavens 🔥 & family